
Privium Fund Management B.V. (Privium NL) is a Dutch fund manager based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Privium NL is authorised and regulated as Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) according to the Alternative Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) ( Privium NL is also regulated by the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) (

As AIFM, our continuous investment oversight, compliance, risk management, middle office operations and service provider review results in the periodic reporting to regulators such as the AFM and the public disclosure of the funds’ key investor information. All of the funds managed by Privium NL have been approved by and are registered with the AFM. Most of the funds managed by Privium NL are domiciled in the Netherlands.The funds’ disclosure documents can be found in the Funds & Investment Strategies‘ section.

Our portfolio managers are fully focused on carrying out the respective investment strategy, supported by the investment oversight, compliance, risk management and middle office teams of Privium NL.

New Fund Initiatives

Since 2008, Privium NL has launched numerous new funds with a wide variety of investment strategies. We are always looking to help set up new funds. The structure of new funds is dependent on both the investment strategy as well as the targeted investor base.

Based on the investment strategy and the targeted investor base, Privium NL can distribute new funds through its extensive network of professional investors incluing private banks, family offices, fund of funds and foundations. For some new fund initiatives we employ external experts to assist in the asset raising.

Existing Funds

Privium NL manages various funds with different investment strategies. From open-ended funds with highly liquid investments to close-ended funds with illiquid assets. We structure the fund based on the investment strategy, asset class(es) and the existing investor base.

For existing funds, we could either take over the role as fund manager or help set up a new fund structure depending on the preferences of the portfolio management team and investors.


Privium NL manages several funds promoting environmental and social characteristics (SFDR Article 8) and dedicated impact investment funds with a sustainable objective (SFDR Article 9). All required pre-contractual and policy disclosures regarding these funds can be found in Funds & Investment Strategies‘ section.

For more information on how Privium NL approaches disclosure of sustainability risks and consideration of Principal Adverse Impacts:

More information:
Mark Baak
Tel: +31 20 46 26 644

Please read and accept the following disclaimer

Privium Fund Management is a global group of companies.

Privium Fund Management B.V.

This website does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy any of the funds mentioned, if:

  • you are in a jurisdiction where this would be unlawful
  • it is unlawful to make an offer to a certain type of investor

Do not run any unnecessary risk. Read the Fund Documents (Prospectus, Terms & Conditions and Key Information Document (KID)). Past performance is not indicative for future results. The value of investments and any income generated may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.

Investors should further perform their own due diligence.

The information on this website does not constitute any investment, tax, legal or other advice. Privium Fund Management B.V. does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information and materials contained on this website and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in such information and materials.

US Investors

Our funds are not available for distribution to or investment by US investors. The funds are not registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 or the United States Investment Company Act of 1940. Therefore, we cannot directly or indirectly offer or sell them in the US, in any of its states, territories, or possessions, in other areas subject to the US’s jurisdiction or to a US individual.

For those investors investing on behalf of an underlying investor

We will treat you as an investor who generally invests on behalf of underling clients.  It is your responsibility to provide the most recent KID to the underlying client for each investment you make on their behalf.

Applicable law

Dutch law applies to this disclaimer.

Privium Fund Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

The information on this website is intended for Professional Investors / Accredited & Institutional Investors / Qualified Investors only.

The content on the website is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell an investment or fund(s) and is not an advice on investments, taxation or any other matter. It is not intended to be used by any person or entity in a jurisdiction or country where this would be contrary to local law or regulation. The information on this website does not constitute any investment, tax, legal or other advice and has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Privium Fund Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information and materials contained on this website and expressly disclaims any liability for errors or omissions in such information and materials.

Investors should further perform their own due diligence and read the Fund Documents in detail. Past performance is not indicative for future results. The value of investments and any income generated may fluctuate and is not guaranteed.

Privium Fund Management (HK) Ltd.

The information contained herein this website is only for Professional Investors as defined under the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance.

The information has been prepared for informational purposes only and does not constitute a distribution, an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any services or products offered by Privium Fund Management (HK) Limited. Privium Fund Management (HK) Limited believes that the information contained herein is accurate as at the date of publication, but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made to the accuracy, completeness or thoroughness of the contents itself. No warranty of accuracy is given and no liability in respect of any errors or omissions is accepted by Privium Fund Management (HK) Limited.

The materials on this website do not consider the particular needs of any specific user. The information available on this website does not constitute any investment, legal, accounting, tax or other advice, nor a representation or recommendation that any financial service and/or investment is suitable for any person. Visitors should not rely on the information provided and should consult his/her own professional adviser before making any investment or financial decision or purchasing any product where necessary.

Investment involves a certain level of risk and past performance does not predict future outcomes. Visitors should carefully consider whether any investment products or services are appropriate for themselves in view of their investment experience, objectives, financial resources and relevant circumstances.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Privium Fund Management maintains adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance coverage across the group globally.

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