Our Funds & Strategies in Hong Kong
PGU Global Tech Inflection Point SP

PGU Global Tech Inflection Fund SP is a global low net long/short TMT equity hedge fund. Our team is deeply rooted in the growth tech scene in China, the US and Europe, something that we believe is unique given the profiles we observe in the industry. We have been in tech investing for more than 15 years, through various tech and macro cycles with different EM/DM correlations. This experience has informed our risk management approach with the conscious decision to adopt a low net exposure and well-managed gross exposure. Low net exposure guarantees our investors that the returns they receive are driven by alpha.
We select stocks on the long and short side based on industry insights around emerging technology trends, that will drive meaningful upward or downward earnings revisions within a three-year window. We are in the early stage of many transformational trends, which we believe will not only impact structure and weight of segments in the economy but will also change the way we look at growth and cycles. Detailed, bottom-up company analysis is performed to quantify risk-rewards on each position.
We aim to deliver outstanding liquid performance in both up and down markets, and to compare favourably to top illiquid growth VC returns.
Token Bay Capital LPF

Token Bay Capital LPF is an early-stage venture fund based in Hong Kong that invests in digital assets and blockchain companies. The fund provides institutions, family offices and high-net-worth-individuals with the opportunity to gain direct exposure to this new asset class right at the start of a multi-decade cycle. With deep knowledge and an extensive network in both digital assets and traditional finance industries, Token Bay Capital LPF is providing investors with an institutional investment gateway to the digital assets universe and new token economy.
PMC Managed Futures SP
PMC Managed Futures SP is a segregated portfolio of Miran Segregated Portfolio Company. The SP seeks to obtain absolute returns in most market environments by constructing a diversified, quantitative-based, multi-asset portfolio of liquid exchange-traded futures. By capturing intra-day or short-term trends in financial markets, the SP has produced positive, uncorrelated returns. Broad diversification across markets and strategies optimise the risk-return profile.
The portfolio manager employs a combination of statistical methods, technical data and practical trading experience to identify systematic trading strategies to extract alpha, in either up or down-market environments. Founded in 2013, the SP has won numerous industry awards for best Asia-based managed futures hedge fund.
Verition International Multi-Strategy Fund

Verition Fund Management LLC (“Verition”) is a multi-strategy, multi-manager hedge fund founded in 2008. The Verition International Multi-Strategy Fund managed by Privium in Hong Kong is a pooled Hedge Fund offering its securities to US investors principally.